Photo editor for Linux.
A Photo Tool (Libre) is image editing app with lots of tools. You have great options to adjust the photos just the way you want them to look.
Released under GPLv3 lisence. Free to download and use. Open source - full source code available at GitHub.
Works on Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Debian and others. Choose from Snap package at Snapcraft store, Debian .deb package at GitHub or Arch Linux AUR script to install on your favorite Linux variant.
Photo editing app for GNU/Linux.
Includes exposure and color settings, custom B&W tool and more to create great photos. Tools enable you to fix common mistakes like color balance and tint.
Supports JPEG and some other file formats
A Photo Tool (Libre) is free to download and use.
PGP for aphototool @ (required by Arch Linux AUR installation)
PGP key: a970f7e40cb64f0d5b9fc516afe56c2df614820c
PGP public key block on:
sha256sum for Debian .deb package
sha256sum check for aphototoollibre_1.0.6-1_amd64.deb Intel / AMD 64 bit
2164ca3cb68baa7a5dbcc7054bea3accf4526ac0a1b913fff908c27f57c6153d aphototoollibre_1.0.6-1_amd64.deb
sha256sum check for aphototoollibre_1.0.6-1_arm64.deb ARM 64 bit
aeb0aeaa96657a65e92e2f0df961231b67af6866f4cfafa820e2d14e68dd867b aphototoollibre_1.0.6-1_arm64.deb
aphototool @
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